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I Was Today Years Old

"I was today years old" is a playful expression used on social media to humorously convey the discovery or realization of something new or surprising.

What is the meaning of "I was today years old"?

The phrase “I was today years old” suggests that the person just learned or understood something significant at that moment, implying that they should have known or discovered it earlier in life. For example, someone might post on social media, "I was today years old when I realized that 'news' is the plural of 'new.'" This implies that the person only recently discovered this fact, despite it being common knowledge.

How is the phrase "I was today years old" used on social media?

The phrase is often used when someone comes across a piece of information, a fact, or a life hack that is deemed interesting or mind-blowing. By saying "I was today years old when I found out," the person is emphasizing their delayed realization or the sense of astonishment they experienced upon learning something that seems obvious or widely known to others.

The phrase has become popular in online discussions and memes, often accompanied by humorous or sarcastic reactions to various realizations or discoveries. It serves as a light-hearted way to share and engage with newfound information or insights, while also acknowledging the humor in delayed realizations.


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