Hand Emoji Meanings
Need a hand? There’s an emoji for that. Peruse our list of hand emoji meanings so you can use them correctly in your next post and nail the gesture, literally.
Emoji Icon: 👋👋🏻👋🏼👋🏽👋🏾👋🏿
Emoji Name: Waving Hand
Emoji Meaning: A hand with all fingers extended and waving, used to greet or say goodbye.
Emoji Icon: 🤚🤚🏻🤚🏼🤚🏽🤚🏾🤚🏿
Emoji Name: Raised Back of Hand
Emoji Meaning: A hand with the back raised, used to stop or halt something.
Emoji Icon: 🖐️🖐🏻🖐🏼🖐🏽🖐🏾🖐🏿
Emoji Name: Hand with Fingers Splayed
Emoji Meaning: A hand with all fingers spread apart, indicating a virtual high-five, wave or "halt" gesture.
Emoji Icon:🤟🤟🏻🤟🏼🤟🏽🤟🏾🤟🏿
Emoji Name: Love-you Gesture
Emoji Meaning: The American Sign Language (ASL) sign for "I love you" is gestured by the index finger pointing upward and the thumb and pinky extended.
Emoji Icon: 🤘🤘🏻 🤘🏼 🤘🏽 🤘🏾 🤘🏿
Emoji Name: Sign of the Horns
Emoji Meaning: A hand with the index and pinky extended, often used in rock music or as a sign of approval.
Emoji Icon: 🤙🤙🏻 🤙🏼 🤙🏽 🤙🏾 🤙🏿
Emoji Name: Call Me Hand
Emoji Meaning: A hand with the thumb and pinky extended, representing a "call me" gesture.
Emoji Icon: ✋ ✋🏻 ✋🏼 ✋🏽 ✋🏾 ✋🏿
Emoji Name: Raised Hand
Emoji Meaning: A raised hand with fingers together, used to signify "stop."
Emoji Icon: 🖖 🖖🏻 🖖🏼 🖖🏽 🖖🏾 🖖🏿
Emoji Name: Vulcan Salute
Emoji Meaning: The Vulcan salute from Star Trek, with the palm out and fingers parted in a "V" shape. It is accompanied with the phrase “live long and prosper” and is used as a greeting gesture.
Emoji Icon: 👌 👌🏻 👌🏼 👌🏽 👌🏾 👌🏿
Emoji Name: OK Hand
Emoji Meaning: A hand with the thumb and index finger forming a circle, symbolizing "OK" or approval.
Emoji Icon: 🤏 🤏🏻 🤏🏼 🤏🏽 🤏🏾 🤏🏿
Emoji Name: Pinching Hand
Emoji Meaning: A hand with the index finger and thumb close together, as if to pinch something small or gesture a small amount.
Emoji Icon: ✌️ ✌🏻 ✌🏼 ✌🏽 ✌🏾 ✌🏿
Emoji Name: Victory Hand
Emoji Meaning: A hand with the index and middle fingers forming a "V" shape, representing victory or peace.
Emoji Icon: 🤞 🤞🏻 🤞🏼 🤞🏽 🤞🏾 🤞 🏿
Emoji Name: Crossed Fingers
Emoji Meaning: Two fingers crossed, used to wish for luck or express hope for a positive outcome.
Emoji Icon: 👈 👈🏻 👈🏼 👈🏽 👈🏾 👈🏿
Emoji Name: Backhand Index Pointing Left
Emoji Meaning: A hand pointing to the left with the back of the hand facing forward indicating a left turn or to draw attention to something in that direction.
Emoji Icon: 👉 👉🏻 👉🏼 👉🏽 👉🏾 👉🏿
Emoji Name: Backhand Index Pointing Right
Emoji Meaning: A hand pointing to the right with the back of the hand facing forward indicating a right turn or to draw attention to something in that direction.
Emoji Icon: ☝️ ☝🏻 ☝🏼 ☝🏽 ☝🏾 ☝🏿
Emoji Name: Backhand Index Pointing Up
Emoji Meaning: A hand pointing upward with the back of the hand facing forward. It is used to emphasize a statement or to draw attention to something in that direction.
Emoji Icon: 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿
Emoji Name: Middle Finger
Emoji Meaning: The middle finger raised, a gesture used to express anger or offense.
Emoji Icon: 👇 👇🏻 👇🏼 👇🏽 👇🏾 👇🏿
Emoji Name: Backhand Index Pointing Down
Emoji Meaning: A hand pointing downward with the back of the hand facing forward. It is used to draw attention to something in that direction.
Emoji Icon: ☝️ ☝🏻 ☝🏼 ☝🏽 ☝🏾 ☝🏿
Emoji Name: Index Pointing Up
Emoji Meaning: A hand pointing upward with the index finger extended. It is used to raise a question and also symbolizes the number one.
Emoji Icon: 👍 👍🏻 👍🏼 👍🏽 👍🏾 👍🏿
Emoji Name: Thumbs Up
Emoji Meaning: A thumbs-up gesture, indicating approval or agreement.
Emoji Icon: 👎 👎🏻 👎🏼 👎🏽 👎🏾 👎🏿
Emoji Name: Thumbs Down
Emoji Meaning: A thumbs-down gesture, indicating disapproval or disagreement.
Emoji Icon: ✊ ✊🏻 ✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
Emoji Name: Raised Fist
Emoji Meaning: A raised fist, often associated with solidarity or protest.
Emoji Icon: 👊 👊🏻 👊🏼 👊🏽 👊🏾 👊🏿
Emoji Name: Oncoming Fist
Emoji Meaning: A fist coming towards the viewer, symbolizing a punch or impact.
Emoji Icon: 👈 👈🏻 👈🏼 👈🏽 👈🏾 👈🏿
Emoji Name: Left-Facing Fist
Emoji Meaning: A fist facing left, often used as a greeting gesture like a fist-bump.
Emoji Icon: 👉 👉🏻 👉🏼 👉🏽 👉🏾 👉🏿
Emoji Name: Right-Facing Fist
Emoji Meaning: A fist facing right, often used as a greeting gesture like a fist-bump.
Emoji Icon: 👏 👏🏻 👏🏼 👏🏽 👏🏾 👏🏿
Emoji Name: Clapping Hands
Emoji Meaning: Two hands clapping together, used to applaud or celebrate.
Emoji Icon: 🙌 🙌🏻 🙌🏼 🙌🏽 🙌🏾 🙌🏿
Emoji Name: Raising Hands
Emoji Meaning: Two hands raised in the air, expressing praise or celebration.
Emoji Icon: 👐 👐🏻 👐🏼 👐🏽 👐🏾 👐🏿
Emoji Name: Open Hands
Emoji Meaning: Two open hands, used to represent openness or friendliness.
Emoji Icon: 🤲 🤲🏻 🤲🏼 🤲🏽 🤲🏾 🤲🏿
Emoji Name: Palms Up Together
Emoji Meaning: Two palms facing up and pressed together, often used to represent prayer or meditation.
Emoji Icon: 🙏 🙏🏻 🙏🏼 🙏🏽 🙏🏾 🙏🏿
Emoji Name: Folded Hands
Emoji Meaning: Two hands pressed together, used to represent praying or showing gratitude
Emoji Icon: 🤝
Emoji Name: Handshake
Emoji Meaning: Two hands shaking in agreement or friendship.
Next time you want to gesture hi or sign “I love you,” refer to our emoji dictionary to decipher hand emojis and their meanings.