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Social Media Manager Tips

5 LinkedIn Growth Hacks You Need to Know

Want to learn our top Linkedin growth hacks to increase your brand awareness and followers? This video covers all of the Linkedin growth hacks you need to know, from using humour to repurposing content.

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Over the last year, the Later social team has been experimenting over on LinkedIn to see how we can grow our page organically, and we've learned a lot along the way. 

Spoiler alert: Since then, we've gained over 14,000 followers and generated over a million impressions on our LinkedIn page. So we did some digging and compiled our list of our top LinkedIn growth hacks. This is all Later social team approved.

Unlike a lot of other social media platforms, LinkedIn can seem like uncharted territory for a lot of brands and businesses. But with these hacks, LinkedIn can be a great opportunity to showcase your brand to a new audience and increase your organic engagement and brand awareness.

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Hack #1: Experiment with LinkedIn's native features

While LinkedIn isn't necessarily designed to be a visual platform, there are ways you can use LinkedIn's native features to your advantage, like its polls feature. This is something we use on our social strategy a few times a month because it's a quick and engaging way for our audience to interact with our content and gauge their thoughts on certain topics.

On top of that, we recommend posting photos, carousels and videos to break through the text-heavy content on your audience's feed.

Hack #2: Prioritize community management

Like any social platform, LinkedIn is about building community. But as a business or creator on LinkedIn, you have the added benefit of professional connections being at the forefront of the platform's purpose. I mean, this is literally coming from LinkedIn themselves. 

So use this to your advantage and be present in other people's comment sections. Give your point of view, repost interesting articles, add your thoughts to trending threads, and most importantly, respond to the people commenting on your posts. Also, remember to keep a light and friendly as if you were talking to a friend like me.

Hack #3: Share some thought leadership pieces

Positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry is a great way to attract like-minded people to your page and grow your followers. Start by sharing your thoughts on recent industry news, a recent career milestone, or even sharing some hardships you've been experiencing in your career and how you've overcome them. People value honesty and transparency. Like, for example, this listicle post we made on three reasons you should be proud of yourself as a social media manager.

Hack #4: Repurpose your content

One of our favorite content hacks across all social media channels is repurposing our content. When a meme, tweet, or video performs well on one channel, we like to experiment with publishing it to other platforms. 

Take, for example, this Barbie meme that we originally posted to Instagram that performed really well engagement-wise, with over 7000 likes. Within the same week, we posted it to LinkedIn with different copy and just like that, we saw over 650 likes and over 15,000 impressions. This is just one example of a low-lift, high-results piece of content. 

So repeat after us: work smarter, not harder.

Hack #5: Insert humor and relatable content

LinkedIn can be a fairly serious platform, with a lot of content being solely educational or hiring-focused. That leaves a big gap to be filled with lighthearted, fun content. Inserting humor is a great way to cut through the crowd and stand out. 

But how do you know what content is going to perform? One way we create more humor-based content is by asking ourselves, "What are some common pain points or frustrations in our industry that could be made into a relatable post?" Or, "Are there any industry developments that are trending that could be relevant to discuss?" 

Headspace is a great example of a brand that leans into their expertise of mental health and wellness and shares funny, work-related moments or jokes that we can all relate to, like these.

So there you have it. All of our top hacks for growing on LinkedIn. At the end of the day, LinkedIn is a great place to connect with new audiences and share your knowledge with your network. Let us know what you thought of these hacks in the comment section below. And don't forget to subscribe to stay on top of all things social. See you later.

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