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Instagram Tips

When Is The Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2023?

Curious to know if there is a best time to post on Instagram in 2023? We've got your answers. Locking down your best time to post on Instagram can make or break if your content is reaching your audience when they're most active. And, if you're looking to build an engaged community, it's an important factor to keep in mind.

 When is the best time to post on Instagram thumbnail

Original Video: Youtube



Wondering why your Instagram posts are stuck at ten likes or your Reels are all under 100 views? Fun fact: it might be because you're not posting your content at the right time. If you haven't caught on already… in this video, we'll be talking about the best time to post on Instagram. So, get ready to write down some notes, because this info is coming to you real fast.

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When is the best time to post on Instagram?

At Later, we recently analyzed over 11 million Instagram posts to find out when you should be posting for maximum engagement.

In 2023, we found that the overall best time to post on Instagram is 4:00 am. To find this data, like I mentioned earlier, Later analyzed over 11 million global image video carousel and Instagram Reel posts. If you want to learn some more about the behind-the-scenes that went into this research, I've linked the full blog post (The Best Time to Post on Instagram) right over here. Now, you might be thinking that posting at 4:00 am is wild, but looking at Monday to Sunday, we found that the majority of people actually engage with content posted in the early hours of the day.

You don't need to be posting this manually because you can use tools like Later to schedule your Reels or Instagram posts in advance. Plus, if you're posting earlier in the day, it also means that your content is up against less competition and catching everyone during their first scroll of the day - even if that's a few hours after you shared your post. Let's get into the nitty gritty details about Instagram Reels because we know that's a hot topic right now.

When is the best time to post Reels on Instagram?

After analyzing over 200,000 Reels, we found that the overall best time to post on Reels is also at 4:00 am. And again, this is calculated in local time across time zones.

So this data, it doesn't lie. If you're still skeptical about these post times, just try them out and come back to our YouTube channel (@LaterMedia) to let us know if your engagement improved or your views increased. We'd love to hear about it.

What is the best day to post on Instagram?

Another frequently asked timing-related question we get is what is the best day to post on Instagram? Well, the best day to post overall on Instagram is on Mondays with the highest average engagement occurring for posts published at 5:00 am.

The pattern is pretty clear: the earlier the better. By being one of the first people in your friend's feed to post each week, you're giving your content the best chance of being seen by more people. If you want to go deeper into our findings, I'll link the full blog post again just over here: The Best Time to Post on Instagram. We actually dive into the best times to post on Instagram by day of the week, and even when is the best time to post by location. There are a ton of great findings that you can just dive deeper into.

Before I head out, it's important to know that while timing is super important when posting on Instagram. The algorithm also pays attention to other factors, so this means that creating engaging and interesting content should be your main focus and then optimize by posting at the best time.

When is your personal best time to post on Instagram?

Lucky for you, Later has a Best Time to Post feature that uses AI to determine what your personal best time to post is. This is the most accurate way to discover your unique, optimal posting times based on your own data. If you want to see what it looks like, I just have it right over here.

Your best times to post are highlighted in your weekly content calendar just like this, so it's really easy to schedule your Instagram post for when your audience is most likely to engage. Hopefully, all of these tips can help bring some more engagement to your Instagram. If you do try out some of these suggested best times to post, let us know if they work for you. Thanks for watching, and if you found this video helpful, please don't forget to like and subscribe for more social media updates, news and trends.

I'll see you later.

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Related Resources

  • Later's Best Time to Post Tool thumbnail
  • Blog Thumbnail
  • Blog Thumbnail

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