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Rent Free

“Rent free” is a slang phrase used to describe a situation where something is occupying a significant space in someone else’s mind.

What does "rent free" mean?

The phrase "rent free" is often used to describe a situation where someone or something is occupying a significant amount of space in someone's mind or thoughts, without paying any "rent" or cost for doing so. Essentially, it means that the person or thing is having a significant impact on the individual's thoughts or emotions, often in a negative way.

For example, if someone continues to bring up an argument or negative experience from the past, someone else might say, "They're living rent free in your head". This implies that the person is allowing the negative experience to occupy too much of their thoughts and emotions.

How is "rent free" used on social media?

The phrase "rent free" is often used on social media and in online forums to criticize or mock someone who is perceived as overly fixated on a particular topic or individual. It can also be used to describe someone who is perceived as being too easily influenced or impacted by external events or people.


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