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Instagram Tips & Resources

14 Hispanic & Latin Creators Share Their Top Social Media Tips

Updated on September 20, 2022
11 minute read

Get some of the best tips for social media growth, community-building, and more ✨

Published April 13, 2022

It’s Hispanic Heritage Month, and while you don’t need a dedicated month to support the community, it’s a great opportunity to learn from and amplify Hispanic and Latin voices. 

We asked 14 Hispanic and Latin creators, influencers, and entrepreneurs to share their top tips for social media growth.

Whether it's increasing engagement, community-building, or keeping up with trends, they've got you covered.

Bonus: you can initiate long-term partnerships with them too. 

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#1. Lissette Calveiro: Influencer Coach & Content Creator

Lissette is a Latina entrepreneur who specializes in cultivating human connection through social media.

As CEO of Influence With Impact, Lissette teaches others how to create a digital presence and thrive in their business. 

And with over 119K followers across Instagram and TikTok — her community continues to grow.

Lissette’s Top Tip to Create Content Consistently  

  • “A way that I ‘hack’ the system is by pre-planning conversation prompts that will connect with my ideal follower. For example: What are they thinking? What are they searching for? What would make them feel less alone? What would excite them? These questions sit at the core of my content and help me be more consistent.” 

FYI: Later is a social media scheduling tool trusted by over 4M businesses, creators, and social media managers (and now has a Spanish Web App version 🎉). Create an account today — for free.

#2. Francesca Murray: Travel Expert

Celebrity publicist turned beauty and travel expert, Francesca Murray says that the most important factor to business (and content creation) is staying true to your mission. 

Her blog One Girl One World™️, which empowers women to travel, is a testament to this statement.

For Francesca, it’s all about uplifting, educating, and staying in touch with her community.

Francesca’s Top Tip to Grow As a Content Creator

  • “Putting on an entrepreneurial hat changed the way I manage projects, negotiate with potential clients, and operate overall. It's also made me unafraid to invest. Investing money into courses, eBooks, subscriptions and resources has helped me get further faster. Your future self will always be grateful when you invest in yourself.”

Want to make a career out of content creation? We interviewed two creators to get all the details: How to Become a Full-time Content Creator

#3. Aimee Kelly: Lifestyle Creator

"A walking Starburst," as she sometimes references herself, Aimee Kelly is a content creator who brings a creative spin to all of her lifestyle projects. 

Her secret? Staying true to her most authentic self, whether it’s her colorful style or bright feed. 

But Aimee also points to another important factor (aka the real key to her success): staying connected to her community. “Followers aren’t anything if you don’t frequently interact with them,” she says.

Aimee’s Top Tip for Interacting With Your Community

  • “There’s a saying: A stranger supports and roots more for you than those who know you. It’s 100% true. You’ll start off as strangers, and little by little your community will become an online family. The best way to communicate with them is to treat them like  family: talk to them, respond to them, and be there for them.”

P.S. Later is hosting a free live masterclass (in Spanish) on October 25 full of social media selling and scheduling tips. Sign up here.

#4. Andrea Casanova: Celebrity Viral Marketer

Turning brands into influencers is Andrea’s superpower. How does she do it? By creating content intuitively, so that it genuinely resonates with audiences.

“Nowadays people are so focused on adding value to their audience that they forget to enjoy the content creation process — which can impact your videos. When we overly produce and curate content, it loses its original essence,” shares Andrea. 

Andrea’s Top Tips To Keep Up With Social Media Trends

  • “I recommend following the top creators within your niche as well as top creators in adjacent industries. Creators tend to hop on trends faster than traditional users.” 

  • “Pay attention to repeating concepts on your For You page and Explore Page. If you start to see a pattern, tap on the audio and see if there’s any recent activity. Is it picking up momentum?”

  • Don't stress! Not every trend will fit your brand and that's okay.”

Pssst, Later’s TikTok trends resource is updated weekly — full of the latest trends heating up on the feed. 

#5. Pedro Lollett: Content Creator and Brand Consultant

Pedro Lollett is a multi-faceted content creator from Venezuela, now based in Mexico City. 

You might have seen his photography in Vogue Mexico, or some of his articles on E! News.

His content is inspired by the joys of life, the curiosity of art, and his passion for helping others succeed. 

Pedro’s Top Tip for Growing as a Creator on Social Media 

  • Share things that others can relate to and make their own. In my case, the phrases that I post are not only outputs of situations in my life, but they serve as tools that others can use to express themselves."

#6. Anaïs Montoro: The Reels Pro

Anaïs Montoro is an entrepreneur based in Spain who specializes in Instagram Reels strategy. 

Her goal is simple: to make your life on social media easier.

With a thriving community of over 105K followers, Anaïs now coaches businesses and creators around the world. 

Anaïs’s Top Tips for Increasing Visibility on Social Media 

  • “I always recommend using hooks that will intrigue your audience within the first three seconds of your Reel. For example: The secret for…The truth about…” 

  • “My Reels always follow one (or all) of the following characteristics: to entertain, inspire, or educate.”

#7. Andrea Vaamonde Marcano: Fashion Marketing Pro

As a full-time fashion marketing consultant (and founder of Latinoamerica de Moda), Andrea Vaamonde Marcano is a name worth knowing when it comes to branding. 

With a wealth of marketing experience and a background in fashion, Andrea has worked with big name brands such as Yliana Yepez, Vogue Mexico, and Bumble Mexico. 

Andrea’s Top Tips for Growth on Instagram 

  • Videos communicate more than a thousand words on Instagram!”

  • Instagram Stories are the best way to keep in touch with your community. I personally do a special edition on Sundays where I open a space for any questions related to marketing, entrepreneurship, or personal topics.”

Create a Later account to schedule posts for Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok — for free! Plus, a Spanish Web App version is now available.

#8. Nina Meraki: Visibility and Growth Specialist

Based in Spain, Nina Meraki is an unstoppable content creator with strong communities on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. 

Starting as a travel content creator, Nina found her niche sharing mini tutorials for Instagram growth

Nina’s Top Tips for Growth and Visibility

  • “Have a clear objective, bet on short-form video, and be consistent.”

  • Social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient and don't forget to analyze your results in order to perfect your content and your strategy.”

#9. Andrea Salgado: Brand Marketing Expert

Andrea is an Ecuadorian entrepreneur who lives between her hometown and New York City. 

Her passion project-turned-business @sailorcoffee is a staple in the cities of Guayaquil and Quito, bringing a new and vibrant offering to the city. 

On social media, Andrea is transparent and authentic about her entrepreneurial journey — sharing all the ups and downs along the way.  

Andrea’s Top Tips for Growth on Social Media 

  • Build in public! When you embark on a new journey, share what you are doing with your audience. It’s all about building an environment of support around your new project.

  • “The transparency of sharing your process builds trust with your audience — and selling comes down to trust. If your audience trusts you, they are more likely to purchase from you.”

#10. Zeke Novarino: Instagram Mentor

Zeke Novarino is an Instagram mentor and SEO aficionado who regularly goes live on Instagram to share his top tips. 

According to him, the Instagram algorithm shouldn’t get you down, and hashtags are still a valuable part of any strategy.

“They are not dead! You’ve just got to find the right ones,” he shares.  

Zeke’s Top Tips for Instagram Growth  

  • “Be consistent with your SEO tactics, especially when it comes to your Instagram feed and Instagram bio.”

  • “Look for keywords related to your target audience, their interests, and how you will solve a problem for them. Weave these keywords throughout your content. You will not only see growth, but a strong positioning in your niche, and an audience that values your opinion.”

#11. Paulina Joaristi: Digital Growth Strategist and Style Enthusiast

Paulina Joaristi knows how to use social media for growth. 

After successfully creating one-to-one strategies for clients and completing a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing Communications, she even recently released a social media course.

Her key strategy for success? Focus on more than the Instagram aesthetic and generate measurable impact away from the screen.

Paulina’s Top Hack to Increase Social Media Reach 

Use Pinterest’s Trends to inform your strategy. It’s a hidden gem. You can see what type of content is trending, along with the keywords you should use as hashtags in your posts.”

#12. María Belén Barrague: Multi-channel Pro

For María Belen, or “Belu” as her audience knows her, it’s all about not putting your eggs in one basket.

Her creativity knows no limits, and she has successfully built communities across multiple digital channels.  

Belu’s Top Tip for Repurposing Content

  • “Apply the waterfall theory— where you have a core piece of content that can be repurposed across different formats and channels. For example, create a 10-minute evergreen YouTube video. This can then be translated into a podcast episode, used for an Instagram carousel post with key insights, shared on Pinterest with a link to a blog article about it, and packaged in an email marketing campaign.”

#13. Daniela Goicochea: Hospitality Marketing Specialist

Daniela Goicochea is the co-founder of the marketing agency Brandcrops, specializing in hospitality and food product marketing strategy. 

She believes in keeping in touch with her audience through regular Instagram Stories updates.

“Stories are my favorite feature on Instagram,” she explains. “They are easy to create, share, and communicate with my followers.”

Daniela’s Top Tip for Increasing Engagement on Social Media 

  • “Be mindful of how and when you share your content. It makes a big difference when you share a well taken photo of a burger at 1pm when your audience is hungry, versus at 4pm when they’ve already had lunch.”

FYI: We analyzed over 35M Instagram posts and discovered the average best time to post on Instagram. Get the best (and worst) times, here

#14. Laura Figueroa: Digital Strategist Expert

Laura Figuera is a social media strategist who believes in practicing what you preach. 

“To have success on a social network, you must be an active user of it. You can’t pretend to grow and have results if you don’t know how it works,” she says. 

With a successful multi-channel presence, Laura shares educational tips on YouTube and Instagram, hosts the Laura Figueroa Podcast, and is the co-founder of The FigCo agency.

Laura’s Top Tips for Creating Valuable Content 

  • “Understand what your ideal audience wants and get clear about your content pillars.”

  • “Once you have a piece of content, adapt it to the format (and requirements) of each social platform. This is how you create content of value that will resonate with your audience. Plus, it means you can reuse content across different platforms.”  

And there you have it — social media tips from 14 Hispanic and Latin creators. This list is just the tip of the iceberg, but can be a great resource if you’re looking for both creators to work with (and learn from). 

P.S. Join us on October 25 for a free live masterclass hosted in Spanish, with special guests Laura Figueroa and Joaquín Baena. We can’t wait to see you there!

In the meantime, sign up to Later to schedule your social media posts — for free! Plus, a Spanish Web App version is now available. 🎉

Editor’s Note: Quotes have been edited for clarity and length.

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